Yesterday I was asked to be on a discussion panel for a very popular news website discussing the importance of teaching young children about guns. After thinking long and hard and smelling a set-up, I turned them down. But the topic of that discussion got me thinking more and more about why I even before… Continue reading Teach Them Young, Teach Them Often
Tag: guns
Any Hunt With Your Kids Is A Successful Hunt
With the end of all of the Illinois deer seasons wrapping up yesterday, I spend a minute and reflect over what was accomplished threw the whole season. I look back at the summer and remember setting several goals for myself just for deer hunting. They ranged from breaking in a couple longbows I built the… Continue reading Any Hunt With Your Kids Is A Successful Hunt
Description Of A Kaleidoscope
While listening to a recent Joe Rogan podcast, he was discussing one of his usual topics about the legalization of marijuana and other items. During the conversation with his guest he made a comment that I haven’t been able to get out of my head. Rogan stated, “That’s like a blind person trying to describe… Continue reading Description Of A Kaleidoscope