For details on downloading the sound files, go to main Downloads page and follow information at bottom of page.
Title | Directory | Download |
misc varmints | Download: groundhogwhistle | |
D 58, TR 6 | misc varmints | Download: beaver2 |
misc varmints | Download: chinchilla-baby | |
misc varmints | Download: groundhogfighting | |
misc varmints | Download: grounhogsnuffling | |
misc varmints | Download: groundhogfighting2 | |
misc varmints | Download: stripedskunk2 | |
misc varmints | Download: rodent | |
misc varmints | Download: skunkverymad | |
D 58 TR 10, 13 | misc varmints | Download: beaver1 |
misc varmints | Download: chinchilla-playful | |
misc varmints | Download: kissmecoaxer1 | |
misc varmints | Download: chinchilla-madbaby | |
misc varmints | Download: Rodent Distress |
Title | Directory | Download |
Alligator Bellow (1) | other animals | Download: Alligator Bellow (1) |
Monkey | other animals | Download: Monkey |
other animals | Download: Rattlesnake Alert | |
Animal Sounds 16-Sea Lion | other animals | Download: animal sounds 16-sea lion |
other animals | Download: JurassicPark-Tyrannosaurus rex-Roaring | |
other animals | Download: 27alligator2bellow | |
other animals | Download: bullcalf | |
other animals | Download: DKMMNature-WesternDiamondbackRattlesnake | |
other animals | Download: Pond Sounds & Frogs | |
other animals | Download: 21singers | |
other animals | Download: 22rattlesnake | |
other animals | Download: 26alligator1bellow | |
other animals | Download: 20peepers | |
Beaver Eating | other animals | Download: Beaver Eating |
other animals | Download: tasmanian | |
Animal Sounds 14-Chimpanzee | other animals | Download: animal sounds 14-chimpanzee |
Skunk Distress | other animals | Download: Skunk Distress |
Monkey 2 | other animals | Download: Monkey 2 |
Beaver Startled | other animals | Download: Beaver Startled |
Alligator Bellow (2) | other animals | Download: Alligator Bellow (2) |
Animal Sounds 07-Jungle Birds | other animals | Download: animal sounds 07-jungle birds |
Beaver | other animals | Download: Beaver |
Animal Sounds 02-Cow | other animals | Download: animal sounds 02-cow |
other animals | Download: 25alligatorhiss | |
other animals | Download: 09littleblueheronfishes | |
other animals | Download: cow | |
other animals | Download: 08whales | |
other animals | Download: 18bats | |
other animals | Download: 19frogsandsuch | |
other animals | Download: DKMMNature-Welim1x-Hyena | |
Animal Sounds 13-Hyena | other animals | Download: animal sounds 13-hyena |
Alligator Hiss with Background | other animals | Download: Alligator Hiss with Background |