White Coyote Christmas

Average Hunter would like to bring the community together for some good ole Christmas fun.  This year we will be hosting the Average Hunter White Coyote Christmas.  What is a White Coyote Christmas?  It’s just our version of the old-time White Elephant gift exchange.

So here is how the White Coyote Christmas will work.  It’s a gift exchange program for hunters and fishermen.  When you sign up below, you sign up to send and receive a gift for Christmas.  But not just any gift.  These will be used hunting gifts.  We want you to dig in your box, drawer, cabinet or bucket of hunting and fishing gear and grab some items you would like to gift to another hunter.  It doesn’t need to be anything expensive but please don’t make it junk.  Send something that someone can actually use.  If everyone picks out decent items, then everyone will get something good.

On the week of December 13th, I will send you the name and address of one another that is participating in the White Coyote Christmas.  Once you get that info, send the package right away so everyone has it by Christmas.  That’s all.  Simple, fun and should be entertaining.

When you find the items you want to send, post them on Twitter if you’re on there and tag it with #WhiteCoyoteChristmas.  You will see the pics on this page.

To keep the shipping the same for everyone, we need to keep this inside the US only. Sorry
If you need more details, go to the Contact Page and send me an email or hit me up on Twitter.
Search Twitter for #WhiteCoyoteChristmas or #WhiteCoyote to see what others got last year.

Sign-ups are CLOSED for the

2019 White Coyote Christmas [contact-form to=”hntin365@gmail.com” subject=”White Coyote Sign Up”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Twitter (if you have)” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Address” type=”textarea” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Select what gift types you want to send and receive. ” type=”radio” required=”1″ options=”Only Hunting,Only Fishing,Both Hunting and Fishing”][/contact-form]

Who’s Signed Up for 2019

Justin James
David L. Casey
Timothy O’Brien
Gabriel Radil
Chase Mueller
Blaise Radil
Josh Mcneill
Bryan lawson


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