Growing up as a kids, climbing trees like I am sure we all did, falling was never really a concern. In our mind back then, we were invincible and nothing could hurt us. I think if it was much of a concern, we wouldn’t have done it. That mentality tends to carry over as we get older. But now we are climbing solid ladders or steps going up into a welded platform that is chained to the tree. Sounds pretty safe right? What could happen?
When I was a younger hunter, I never once sat and thought about what would happen if I fell. Like when I was a little kid climbing those trees, I never once thought I would ever fall and if I did, I never thought I would get hurt. But now I sit in a tree and think about “What If”. What if I did fall out of that tree while hunting? How hurt would I get? What if I was paralyzed or worse? What would happen with my kids? How would I pay my bills? The list goes on and on and none of it is a happy thought. Just think about all the people that would be affected by your injury or even death. I was sitting in a treestand on a frozen windy day when I was really thinking about this and I didn’t have a harness on. I made it down safely, but that was the last time I ever climbed a tree without a harness. Just think about it.
I am a big proponent of treestand safety and even carry extra harnesses in my truck during hunting season for friends to use. I get amazed regularly at who I find out still doesn’t bother to wear a harness. But strapping in once you get in the tree doesn’t always help. Did you know that 86% of falls happen when the hunter is NOT in the tree stand but actually when they are climbing to and from the stand or getting in and out of the stand. I can’t overemphasize this point. Many companies offer lines like the HSS Lifeline that we can strap into on the ground and it move it up a rope as we climb. If you fall while climbing up the tree, you’re still safe. These are just small steps that will make your safety 100% preventable.
August is Tree Stand Safety Awareness Month. Tree Stand accidents continue to be the #1 cause of death and serious injury to deer hunters. The sad part is, virtually 100% of those are preventable. The message of Tree Stand Safety Awareness is simple!
1. Always wear a full-body harness
2. Stay connected from the moment your feet leave the ground
3. Make sure your buddies do the same.
Being unsafe is uncool guys. This fall there will be 100’s of our friends that may not be able to enjoy opening day because of something that is 100% preventable. I say the buck stops here. Let’s get serious about tree stand safety . I’m tired of seeing and hearing these stories, aren’t you?
Join me and visit the TSSA webpage and look us up on social media as well. I hope you’ll join me in taking tree stand safety seriously and sharing the message. Also show that you are a supporter and advocate of treestand safety and Use the TSSA twibbon on your fb and twitter pages and encourage others to do so.
Leave a comment telling me about someone you know that fell out of a treestand?