Every year we hear more and more stories about hunters being shot by hunters. In most cases it’s out of pure carelessness and very poor decision making. But also in a lot of these cases, these accidents could have been avoided if the hunters were able to see more clearly where the other hunters were. The innovators at See3D Camo have developed a way for us hunters to stay concealed to the game we’re hunting, but also be more visible to others around us.
While keeping the focus on deer, I know there are tons of research on what colors deer can actually see and all the claims on UV whatever. But for me, I just want to keep it simple and focus on black and white. Deer essentially red and green color blind with a bit of blue coming thru. So pretty much they see in black and white so that’s what I will worry about. But for this review, we are focusing more on the suit itself the concept of the design.
The Suit
The See3D™ Suit
The See3D™ blaze orange 3D leafy suit was born out of safety concerns while hunting with children. It is a revolutionary new concept in hunting safety camo.
The 3D leaf suit on a blaze orange base camo allows the hunter to be highly visible to humans, yet invisible to deer.
Upon receiving the suit, I was happy to see it was like most ghillie suits and it was built off a mesh pullover base with the leafy camo over the top. This allows all season usage and good ventilation during the warmer hunting. The top has a full front zipper and a good size hood to allow head movement. Pants are simple pull over with elastic around waste and ankle. The elastic pulled over my lightweight boots easily. Both jacket and pants are very comfortable and are well built. I didn’t go easy putting them on and off a few times and I never heard and felt any give or tear.
The Camo
I know the main point of this suit is safety, but we also need to know if it is going to make it safer and is it going to make us well hidden. Below you will see some pics to make the judgement for yourself. Like I said above, I know deer can see better than just black and white, but for the sake of making this review easy, I am just sticking with black and white.
With the leafy style ghillie suit, it’s a great pattern or style to blend well into pretty much any environment and it works great for that. But what about the orange? Do you think it will make you more visible from a distance. Take a look at the picture at the top of the article and these others below and give me your opinion. I’ll give you mine after the pics.
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So what do you think? I am torn myself. At close range I can see this being a real safety benefit. But at longer range, our eyes aren’t good enough to see the blaze orange camo in the See3D Camo. I do think that if I was sitting in the woods and another hunter walked up near me, it would definitely help get noticed if close enough. That in itself would make me feel more comfortable. But everything does have it’s limits and in my personal opinion, when I wear these out on a hunt, I’m not going to assume another hunter 200 yards away is going to see me.
Final Thoughts
I love the concept of this and stand behind See3D Camo 100% in what they are doing and why. I do think the pattern could use a bit more blaze orange in it to be a little more effective, I still believe it will work just fine. The suit itself is built very well and have no doubt it will last me a long time pending user error. Although, it does pick up burrs very easily, I know that is not avoidable. All and all, I am pleased with the See3D Camo suit.
BUT, wearing this suit or even a full body solid blaze orange suit doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be cautious while hunting with others in the area as well. If you are hunting with friends and family, make sure you ALWAYS communicate before where you will be and never leave that area assuming someone else isn’t there. We all have phones and texting now so there’s no excuse to not tell others where you will be or if you’re doing something different than originally planned. It is as much your responsibility as a hunter to be aware of your surroundings and other’s as well.
Hunt Safe..