Q&A With Average Hunter Matt

q&a average hunter mattA little Outdoors Q&A with Matt

Do you have questions about what to do, where to go or just want an answer to a question that’s been bugging, well ask it here.  This is Matt, and I am a knower of some and professor of none.  So ask your question about anything outdoors and I will answer it and post it here for everyone else to see and maybe learn a little from.  If I don’t know the answer, I know others that do and will find the answer for you.

Fill out the form below and send it over.  Please no “Meaning of Life” or “Should I buy my wife a treadmill” questions.

[contact-form to=’ma**@av***********.com‘ subject=’Q%26amp;A For Average Hunter’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Twitter Handle’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Question’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

From B2redneck

Q: How young can kids get started in archery?  Is it expensive and how do you get started?

A:  Archery is one of those activities that has no age restrictions.  As long as your child shows an interest, do what you can to let them shoot.  They don’t have to shoot a compound bow, you can buy a toy bow shooting suction cups and let them go to town.  But just shoot with them.  Let them shoot whatever they have next to you in your yard.  They get interested because you are.  Take advantage of it.


From Trevor (@tlieske195)

Q:  I have always wanted to go hunting, but I have never been. I have a couple of friends parents that hunt a little bit and I like to fish every once in a while, but I want to get into hunting. I was just curious what is the best way to get into hunting, especially for a beginner?

A:  Trevor, I think its great you’re wanting to get into hunting.  You will find it so rewarding in many ways from just enjoying nature to putting non steroid filled meat on your table.  No matter how old you are, the very first thing anyone should do before getting into hunting is to take Hunter’s Education.  You can find resources at hunter-ed.com or check with your state DNR and find a local class.  I recommend both actually.  You will learn from each and it will give you the materials you need to take the next step into the hunting community.  In those classes, especially your local one, you will learn about all your available public grounds and groups and clubs in the area that could be a good resource to help you.  Your friends parents will be a big help also if you can go with them.  Going out with experienced hunters that you know and trust will be one of your best learning tools.  Don’t be afraid to start small and take your time.  Take advantage of the early seasons like squirrel and such just to get out there on the hunt.  Good luck.  Matt.