Southern Swamp is a custom builder of everything paracord from bow slings, lanyards and on to bracelets for little girls. With many other products in between. During this review I was given one of their bow slings to try out. I have shot archery my whole life and tried slings several time only to remove them for reasons like they just got in the way or being uncomfortable. This sling solved those problems for me right away.
First thing I noticed with this was the unbreakable structure with the paracord braided over the whole length of the sling. If you don’t know what paracord is, its the cord that attaches you to the parachute as your falling from 30,000 feet in the air. So it is obviously some strong stuff and you know its not going to break easily. When this cord is braided tightly together, it makes a small rope you pull your truck out of the snow bank with. While being strong, the braid gives the sling a structure that helps out with a major problem that most slings face. That is how they are hard to get in and out of. The structure keeps the loop of the sling open and upright so your hand easily grabs the handle of the bow and the sling is already in place.
The other great thing about this sling is the large braid as it goes over your hand or wrist. This large braid adds plenty of comfort for long shoots.
But for me the one thing that stood out on this design was the mounting flange. Most slings of this design from other manufacturers will use a hard leather which can get pretty hard to make adjustments with. Southern Swamp uses a strong rubber that seems to allow easier adjustment while still holding everything tight.
Overall, I am very pleased with this sling from Southern Swamp Outdoors. Its a long proven product that is quality built. Now I just need to figure out how to mount one on my longbow.
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