making venison snack sticks

Making Deer Salami – Reviewing the Walton’s 11 lb Stuffer

My family has been making our own deer salami since I was a kid (a long time ago) and stuffing has always been one of those battles we have fought every year. That’s not the case anymore with the Walton’s Inc 11 lb Sausage Stuffer. We have many types of stuffers over the years from an old cast iron fruit…

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3 Safety Tips for Bowhunters

Bowhunting is equally enjoyable as it is dangerous. Nevertheless, by using the right precaution measurements, you can significantly minimize the risk of those most unpleasant scenarios. And by embracing a reasonable behavior, you can really get to enjoy the great outdoors, get reconnected with nature and truly experience its grandeur and magnificence. Few things can be compared to the hunting…

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spypoint camera whitetail buck doe

What is a Trophy Hunter?

Are you a trophy hunter? That’s the question these days that gets asked a lot about deer hunters that most people emphatically say their answer is “No”.  But are they lying to you or themselves? A simple question was asked on Twitter by @WhitetailLegacy about if you would shoot a buck you’ve been hunting for years after it has already dropped one…

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deer hunting funnels

Hunter Highlight – Hunting the Funnel for Big Whitetails

Across much of the Midwest, the cold chill of fall has finally arrived. With that brings most hunter’s favorite time of the year, the whitetail rut. Though there are a variety of tactics that will land you a big buck this fall, one of the most effective is hunting a funnel. A funnel is any natural barrier that funnels animal…

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Licking Branch Whitetail Deer

Licking Branch Basics for Whitetail

Everyone knows big bucks are wary, intelligent critters. Getting inside a bucks head to figure out what he is thinking can be a frustrating process. Just when we think we have our target buck figured out, he turns around and makes us look like a fool. All deer hunters know exactly what I am talking about. Most deer hunters know…

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first time hunting

Hunter Highlight – My First Time Hunting

Cameron Blevins tells us about his first time hunting with his grandfather. My first hunting trip must’ve been nearly 20 years ago now. I could hardly ask my father to hunt with me as he was so busy with his DaisySlots online casino hobby. I couldn’t have been much older than 8 and I can remember biting at the bit…

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OTW Rifle Scope Review

Rifle Scope Review – OTW 3-12X40 From Amazon

You get what you pay for. This rifle scope review proves it. When it comes to spending money, I’ll admit, I’m cheap. That also goes for buying hunting and fishing equipment. I just can’t ever justify spending the money it takes to buy high-end quality gear. Sometimes that works very well for me and other times it bites me in…

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fishing for brown trout illinois

Chasing Legends – Brown Trout in Northern Illinois

“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand” Neil Armstrong By Justin James: In my neck of the woods, there is a myth that ranks up there with Bigfoot or the Holy Grail. I’ve always heard of someone’s uncle catching brown trout from some mythical and little-known stream in northern Illinois. So I started doing…

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Salt Life