Any Hunt With Your Kids Is A Successful Hunt

With the end of all of the Illinois deer seasons wrapping up yesterday, I spend a minute and reflect over what was accomplished threw the whole season.  I look back at the summer and remember setting several goals for myself just for deer hunting.  They ranged from breaking in a couple longbows I built the year before with their first…

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Product Review – Muck Woody Max Boots

This review is for the Muck Woody Max Cold Weather Hunting Boots. The Woody Max™ is the best 100% waterproof hunting boots made for prolonged cold conditions. The entire 16″ knee-high boot is waterproof, enabling you to track through swampy areas, streams, snow and wet tall grass. Woody Max™ features a CR flex-foam bootie completely lined with premium fleece and…

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Where Have All The Bucks Gone

The Hunting and Outdoors Shows season is upon us and a lot of these shows have their main attraction being a big buck contest.  I am an official measurer for Boone & Crockett and I am at a lot of these shows measuring these deer with many other measurers from B&C, P&Y and other organizations.  Up to about 5 years ago, these…

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Description Of A Kaleidoscope

While listening to a recent Joe Rogan podcast, he was discussing one of his usual topics about the legalization of marijuana and other items. During the conversation with his guest he made a comment that I haven’t been able to get out of my head. Rogan stated, “That’s like a blind person trying to describe a kaleidoscope.” When I heard…

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The Religion of Hunting

“Would you shoot a 180″ 3 year buck?  You would!!!  Well that is just wrong and you are going to ruin hunting.”  That just sounds silly to me, but the sad thing is, conversations just like that go on every day all over the web. Why would someone say something like that?  Well I think one part of it is…

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It’s Not The Lure You Use, It’s How You Wiggle Your Worm!!

Times are changing, deer herds are shrinking and growing all over.  What are they doing in your area?  Many feel that the herd is shrinking but maybe its just the deer getting smarter.  How do you know?  Do you have a trail cam, no, well you should.  I am not going to tell you that you need this brand or…

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The 55 Pound Journey – Part 2

Continued From “The 55 Pound Journey – Part 1” Now you know what you have been eating and if you were like me, you are shocked at all the “healthy” foods are actually junk. It’s time to take the big step and make the change. This is one of the hardest things I have ever done. No more drive-thru, No…

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The 55 Pound Journey – Part 1

I am sure most of your don’t really care about watching your health or the benefits of fitness, but it makes a huge difference.  Trust me, I never used to and my health was crap and I struggled at many activities in the outdoors.  I have written about this before and talked about it on blogs and may repeat my…

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