WIND!! The one thing that bugs me the most when I am hunting or just trying to enjoy the outside. The wind can turn any nice day into a cold and miserable day and I just wanted something that would block that wind.
There are way too many windbreakers out there that claim to block out all the wind and I have tried many of them like I am sure you have also. They all claim to keep you warm on those windy days in the tree or out on the water. Pretty much the only thing that I have found to work are loud and uncomfortable rain jackets that will normally rip on the first thing to touch it in the woods. Then I found the NOMAD Syncrate Hoodie.
The NOMAD Syncrate Hoodie is a windbreaker that truly does everything it advertises. Yes, it actually blocks the wind and it actually keeps you warm. It’s a half zip pullover hoodie made from a heavy duty material that is durable and will resist anything you can throw at it. Once you get it on (the one drawback), it’s comfortable and moves very well with all motion your body goes thru. It’s designed to allow all the movement that a hunter will need. But like I mentioned above, the NOMAD Syncrate Hoodie does have one issue that I noticed every time I would wear it. The material struggles in the stretching department and putting it on and taking it off can be a challenge at times. But with the half zip front and other zipper locations, it’s not that bad.
I used the NOMAD Syncrate Hoodie on many excursions over the winter from sitting in a treestand, paddling on the lake or sitting in the duck blind and I honestly never needed much under it as far as layers. This hoodie replaced my big bulky heavy winter coat and all I needed was a layer or two under it even on windy cold days in the treestand. Combo the NOMAD Syncrate Hoodie with a good wool base layer and you’re set for most situations. On the real cold days, add another layer like a fleece and you’re set.
If you’re ready to take the step and get the jacket for all season, I do recommend the NOMAD jackets.