Kayak fishing is becoming more and more of a popular sport these days and many kayak anglers are putting gifts on their Christmas list. I know I have a few goodies I want for my kayaks for helping me catch more fish and also helping handle my kayaks.
Below you will see my top 5 kayak angler items that I suggest and want for Christmas and my next kayak fishing adventure. These are items that might help you land that next lunker or items that will just help you stay safer.
Leave a comment below and let me know what’s the one item you can’t live without while kayak fishing.
![]() | Garmin STRIKER 4cv Locator w/ GPSI know kayak fishing is about going back to the basics, but sometimes the average fisherman like myself needs a little help. This is where a quality locator comes into play. For a retail of $180, the features the Garmin STRIKER 4cv comes within a small compact unit and is the perfect fish finder for kayak fishing. Being a mounted locator, you’ll just have to come up with a way to mount it, a transducer and battery. But that’s also the fun part of kayaking for me.
![]() | Onyx Adult Co2 Life VestBeing safe is the #1 concern every outdoorsman should focus on. Wearing a quality life vest is the most important tool you have with any fishing. I know they get uncomfortable sometimes or they get hot, but that’s worth it to your family when they don’t have to worry as much when you’re out on the water in your little boat. This Onyx inflatable life vest has been on my list for a long time and I know my family wants me in one also.
![]() | Yak Gear Kayak Angler Pro Series KitHaving everything we need in a handy crate we can take on and off our kayak is a lifesaver. Yak Gear has developed this crate system that includes items just about every kayak angler needs. If you’re new to kayak fishing, this is a great purchase that will get you on the right track. The Yak Gear Angler Pro Kit includes:
![]() | Sparehand Foldable Kayak CarrierThis is something I do have and can’t live without. I have two sets and have them on my trucks racks and they even get thrown on my wife’s minivan also when we take long trips. My wife likes to keep them on her van. I know you have seen those tall solid tube kayak racks mounted on top of cars and they are always just sticking out like a sore thumb. Plus don’t even think about going thru a car wash. With these racks, you can fold them down when you’re not using them. Also, what I like about them, is you can adjust the angle to fit all types and sizes of kayaks.
![]() | C-Tug Boat Cart with Solid Kiwi WheelsI am a solo kayak angler most of the time and have learned that dragging the kayak on the ground, gravel, and pavement, does more damage than I thought. Plus it’s not always a short distance you need to go. So a good cart is a great item to have to save your kayak from damage and also save your back. The C-Tug Boat Cart is one I have been looking at for a while myself. Just a simple cart that will work with any kayak is all I need.
What is the must-have product you want or can’t live without? Leave a comment and let me know.