Being prepared is essential for everything we do in life and having a way to carry the items we need is just as important. The Markhor Hunting Backpacks are great comfortable packs with plenty of storage and even a few little extra hidden options that help protect the gear we need for our adventures.
The Markhor Katmai Evolution II Backpack in the review is a general purpose pack that one can use for daily activities, travel or a long day hunt. It comes with a lot of features you will see listed below. The part that I liked the most was how quiet and comfortable this backpack is. Even tho the padded design was developed to help on warm weather conditions, this preformed padding also made for a very comfortable fit and probably helped my back from getting too hot even on these cool mornings I have tested it in.
Using the integrated features like the gun hold and rain cover were very easy. Both of these convenient options are tucked away in their own small compartments that can quickly be retrieved and just as easily be put away when their need is over.
The Markhor Katmai Evolution II Backpack is offered at HuntertoHunter.com as well as many more Markhor Hunting Backpacks options. Even tho the model I chose wasn’t a camo model, they do offer many in camo and many other styles that are more specifically designed for long and short hunting adventures.
HUNTING/HIKING BACKPACK The KATMAI Evo II 25 backpack is equipped with a new improved comfort back designed to wick away perspiration. This bag is very versatile; perfect for travelers as its size is approved for carry-on if flying. Ideal for day hunts; bow hunting; etc. Technical facts -Main material:Waterproof green fabric; durable and silent. | Built in raincover |