Review of Friendly Foot All Natural Foot Powder to help eliminate the bacteria that causes bad odors in our shoes.
As hunters, the most important thing we need to focus on for a successful hunt is scent control. We can play the wind all we can but good ole Mother Nature will do her best to help out the game of choice that day with a quick change in wind. That’s why we all wash our cloths in special soaps, pack them in special bags, try that one deodorant or spray ourselves down with who knows what. But do we get it all, not usually because we still get busted when that wind swirls for a split second.
We all spend so much focus on covering or eliminating the scent on the outside of our cloths or boots, we tend to forget how the inside of our boots can cause a scent issues. This really becomes an issue with the waterproof knee boots which is what I like to wear. After a long walk out to our stand, whether it’s hot or cold out, our feet may be starting to cause that stink that may alert the game that we are around. If you are a pant tucker like I am, that stink will slip out of the top of your boots and ruin all those efforts you did to eliminate the rest of your scent. This is were a good product like Friendly Foot All Natural Foot Powder will help eliminate that odor causing bacteria as it happens.
Friendly Foot is the highest quality, most effective foot powder on the market. The powder has a slight acidic value which balances the PH of your shoes, inhibiting bacterial growth. Together with four organic essential oils, the powder provides antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties. What does this mean? Your shoes will never smell again!
My Review
I have been using this powder in all my shoes and boots from the woods to the gym. All I can say is that it is working to get rid of the stink. I can put pull my boots off after the walk back to the truck and they don’t stink which is always the worst time. But past that, I have noticed the more extreme case of my gym shoes are allowed back in the house again. Opening my gym bag when I get home after work after that morning’s workout has always been a issue in my house. Not anymore, well, not from my shoes anyway. Friendly Foot All Natural Foot Powder has done as described for me and I do recommend it for all your hunting boots and all your shoes in general.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received Friendly Foot All Natural Foot Powder for free from Friendly Foot, Inc as coordinated by Deep Creek PR an Outdoor Retailer Public Relations Company in consideration for review publication