WoolX Midweight Merino Wool Top Review

Testing the new WoolX Merino Wool thermal underwear in the windy frigid Midwest cold. As hunters we often hear the words “that’s crazy” or “it’s too cold” from all of our non-hunting friends and in most cases they are right. Who in their right mind would go sit high up in a tree exposed to… Continue reading WoolX Midweight Merino Wool Top Review

Schrade Survival Knife Set Review

Knives are among the oldest tools known to man. We’ve had som­e version of the knife since the Stone Age when primitive hunter-gatherers chipped flakes from the sides of wedge-shaped stones to form blades.  After that there were knives made of bronze, then iron, and later, steel, as knowledge of metalwork progressed.  The concept of… Continue reading Schrade Survival Knife Set Review

Product Review – Fieldcleanse Solutions, Fish Cleanse

We have all been there, hands are dirty, rank, bloody and here we stand with only some nasty lake water or some tall grass to clean up with.  That obviously doesn’t do a great job.  This review shows you something that you can keep on hand all the time that will clean you up from… Continue reading Product Review – Fieldcleanse Solutions, Fish Cleanse

Product Review – Mountain Khakis Apparel

“Rugged. Casual. Reliable.” are some of the first words I use when looking for gear that I can wear in my everyday life of being in the Outdoors.  Usually, what I find is lacking one of the words and they never last.  So when I find something that fits all of those descriptions and is… Continue reading Product Review – Mountain Khakis Apparel

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