Build Your Own Scent Eliminating Ozone Container – Cheap

Have you seen those containers or bags that with help of a scent eliminating ozone-generating air purifier, will essentially clean your hunting cloths of all the odor-causing bacteria? Have you thought how great it would be to have one of those ozone containers and how much time it would save you? Then I assume you… Continue reading Build Your Own Scent Eliminating Ozone Container – Cheap

3 Safety Tips for Bowhunters

Bowhunting is equally enjoyable as it is dangerous. Nevertheless, by using the right precaution measurements, you can significantly minimize the risk of those most unpleasant scenarios. And by embracing a reasonable behavior, you can really get to enjoy the great outdoors, get reconnected with nature and truly experience its grandeur and magnificence. Few things can… Continue reading 3 Safety Tips for Bowhunters

Hunter Highlight – Hunting the Funnel for Big Whitetails

Across much of the Midwest, the cold chill of fall has finally arrived. With that brings most hunter’s favorite time of the year, the whitetail rut. Though there are a variety of tactics that will land you a big buck this fall, one of the most effective is hunting a funnel. A funnel is any… Continue reading Hunter Highlight – Hunting the Funnel for Big Whitetails

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