Browsing Category : Archery

crossbow suppression review

Reviewing the Limbsaver Crossbow Suppression Kit

One of the biggest issues with crossbows is the noise. I’ve personally had deer jump, duck, or spin away from the shot from a loud crossbow. So I wanted to do something about it and this Suppression Kit from LimbSaver seemed to be just the ticket. I thought it was anyway. Check out the video and see the digital results…

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cut carbon arrows

Different Methods on How to Cut Carbon Arrows at Home

Wondering why anyone would cut their own carbon arrows? I mean, what do you get from all that effort, money, and time you could be spending on other things, right? Well, carbon arrows are great for hunting, and being able to customize your own definitely feels good and helps improve your shooting skills! While it is not the most convenient,…

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Proper size of bow

7 Powerful Archery Tips For Better Accuracy (And A Successful Hunt)

If you want to excel in the archery world, then you MUST work on your accuracy. Fact. These 7 archery tips will get you on your way to a successful shot. It doesn’t matter what you use archery for (whether it bowhunting, self-defense, or competitions); if you can’t draw that bowstring and release a successful shot, you have to do something. So,…

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arrow sizing cutting how to

Cutting arrows at home without a saw

  Have you ever tried cutting arrows yourself but didn’t have a way to make a clean square cut? Sizing arrows, especially carbon arrows, has always been something that the average archer was forced to go to an archery shop to have done.  Who wants uneven cuts on your arrow anyway and using a bigger saw or most other saws we would…

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How To Prepare Your compound bow for storage

Prepare Your Compound Bow For Storage and Maintenance

The bow season is over and what should you do with your bow? Preparation for compound bow maintenance and storage is key to a successful hunt and also keeping your bow shooting straight for years to come.  How you store it and where you store it is also key.  You can ruin a bow easily just from where you keep…

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Parts for a custom longbow

Building a Custom Takedown Longbow

Years ago while looking around for a new bow, I realized that I was never going to spend the money they were going for.  Those prices were cheap compared to today.  So that’s when I decided that it was time to go traditional and even start making my own bows. I already had all the essentials such as the best…

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boy shooting crossbow

Whats the real complaints with crossbows?

What’s the big deal with Crossbows? Do they allow a hunter to take a 200 yard shot? Can you shoot a bolt (crossbow arrow) into a mountain side like in the movies? Can they really do any of that stuff we have all come know from watching all the 007 movies? I am no expert, but from what I understand,…

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2014 Best Bows Of The ATA

Giving You This Average Hunter’s Best Bows Of The ATA 2014 I had the recent pleasure of attending the 2014 Archery Trade Association Show (ATA) in Nashville this past week which housed pretty much all the new archery and hunting items to hit the market this year.  This is the show where all the hunting manufacturers are trying to show…

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