Author Archives : Matt Staser

Helicoptering Parents in the Outdoors

If you’re a parent then you have probably heard the term “Helicoptering Parent” or “Hovering Parent” before.  For the ones that haven’t heard of that before, it basically describes parents that are extremely over protective of their children.  It could be that they don’t let their kids ride their bike around the block or as far as not letting their…

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Average Hunter Is Back!!

So, if you have followed me over the years, you’re probably asking yourself, “What’s going on here with bringing back the old site?”.  Well, not much really.  I just decided that I missed writing and I wasn’t getting much or any of that done at Average Outdoorsman.  All the free time I had been spent just keeping Average Outdoorsman running,…

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heated gloves heated insoles

Flambeau Outdoors Heated Gloves and Hot Feet Insoles Review

Cold hands and cold feet has to be the biggest issue all outdoorsmen have when venturing into the outdoors during the winter months.  Flambeau Outdoors has come out with some battery operated gear that will solve the problems we have with the cold.  Flambeau Outdoors introduces the Heated Gloves Kit and the Hot Feet Heated Insoles. I am a lifelong sufferer…

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boy shooting crossbow

Whats the real complaints with crossbows?

What’s the big deal with Crossbows? Do they allow a hunter to take a 200 yard shot? Can you shoot a bolt (crossbow arrow) into a mountain side like in the movies? Can they really do any of that stuff we have all come know from watching all the 007 movies? I am no expert, but from what I understand,…

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kid child shooting gun pistol

Teach Shooting To Kids With A Little Constructive Deceivery

With the upcoming hunting seasons here or soon to be here, many are finding themselves not as prepared as they thought.  That includes me.  I look at the calendar and quickly realize that bow season starts in less than a week but more importantly, our youth gun season for deer starts in just over two weeks.  As we frantically try…

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product review upland sling

The Upland Sling by Upland Sportsman Product Review

On any long pheasant hunt, quail hunt or any hunt where you’re walking around all day with gun in hand, that gun starts to get heavy after a while.  You then start to switch hands or carrying the gun in different ways to make it more comfortable.  Sometimes making it so you’re not ready for a shot or even not…

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Archery Trade Association (ATA) 2015 In Review

I had the pleasure to attend the Archery Trade Association (ATA) Show again in 2015.  For all of you that are not familiar with the ATA Show, it is THE show for all the archery and hunting manufacturers to show off their products and try to sell them to all the dealers across the country.  By dealers, I am talking…

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double barrel arrow loader

Double Barrel Arrow Loader Archery Review

In reviewing this bowhunting gear, we are looking at the new Double Barrel Arrow Loader.  A great new product designed to increase the speed and reduce the movement of getting that next arrow ready for a second shot. If you bowhunt for any amount of time, you have probably been in this situation.  You made a bad shot but the…

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