Basics of Camping – 7 Things Every Camper Should Know

Camping is one of America’s favorite outdoor hobbies. Short of giving an exhaustive guide to camping, there are some things you just have to know before you head to the woods and pitch a tent. An understanding of the basics of camping will give you the knowledge and the confidence you need to get out… Continue reading Basics of Camping – 7 Things Every Camper Should Know

*Ended* Bronc Box Giveaway

We’re giving away a brand new Bronc Box with tray, divider and light to one lucky winner. The Bronc Box was inspired by explorers of the wild – hunters who have dedicated much of their lives understanding nature, living on the fringes, and relentlessly traveling to find their next adventure. And like these fellows, the… Continue reading *Ended* Bronc Box Giveaway

Reviewing the Bronc Box

This time of year, our most vital tools and possessions need to be stored cleanly and protected from damage. For this hunting season, I am putting that trust into the Bronc Box This year, Signature 4 introduced the Bronc Box which was built with one thing in mind. Keep all your gear in one place… Continue reading Reviewing the Bronc Box

Haeleum brædan Men’s Insect Repellent Shirt Review

Being in the outdoors is probably the one thing we all love doing. But doing what we love does come with drawbacks sometimes.  Most of the time, dealing with mosquitos is one of those drawbacks and having to spray yourself down with a stinky insect repellent is more than a lot of us want to deal… Continue reading Haeleum brædan Men’s Insect Repellent Shirt Review

Upwind Pro Pack Giveaway – Ended

  Upwind is bringing scent concealment to a whole new level and giving you a great new way to get your own. The UpwindNation members receive exclusive benefits. The program is designed for all hunters, from the average hunter to the industry pro. Members don’t have to be on TV., but, they must promote enough throughout… Continue reading Upwind Pro Pack Giveaway – Ended

Cutting arrows at home without a saw

  Have you ever tried cutting arrows yourself but didn’t have a way to make a clean square cut? Sizing arrows, especially carbon arrows, has always been something that the average archer was forced to go to an archery shop to have done.  Who wants uneven cuts on your arrow anyway and using a bigger saw or… Continue reading Cutting arrows at home without a saw

HuntVault Giveaway Opened Box

Thank you for signing up for the giveaway at Average Hunter. Now that you are all signed up, take a look at what you might win.   Show some love for these giveaways and follow what you can below Average Hunter HuntVault Follow @AverageHunter Follow @HuntVault

HuntVault Giveaway – Ended

  HuntVault burst onto the scene a year ago as a top monthly subscription for all your hunting gear needs.  As they continue to provide all subscribers with name brand gear, they wanted to share the love and giveaway some of the more popular items from the past year.  Sign up for this giveaway for your… Continue reading HuntVault Giveaway – Ended

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