Misc Critters

For all the other critters out there that don’t fit in any other category, they get placed here.

For details on downloading the sound files, go to main Downloads page and follow information at bottom of page.

 misc varmintsDownload: groundhogwhistle
D 58, TR 6misc varmintsDownload: beaver2
 misc varmintsDownload: chinchilla-baby
 misc varmintsDownload: groundhogfighting
 misc varmintsDownload: grounhogsnuffling
 misc varmintsDownload: groundhogfighting2
 misc varmintsDownload: stripedskunk2
 misc varmintsDownload: rodent
 misc varmintsDownload: skunkverymad
D 58 TR 10, 13misc varmintsDownload: beaver1
 misc varmintsDownload: chinchilla-playful
 misc varmintsDownload: kissmecoaxer1
 misc varmintsDownload: chinchilla-madbaby
 misc varmintsDownload: Rodent Distress
Alligator Bellow (1)other animalsDownload: Alligator Bellow (1)
Monkeyother animalsDownload: Monkey
 other animalsDownload: Rattlesnake Alert
Animal Sounds 16-Sea Lionother animalsDownload: animal sounds 16-sea lion
 other animalsDownload: JurassicPark-Tyrannosaurus rex-Roaring
 other animalsDownload: 27alligator2bellow
 other animalsDownload: bullcalf
 other animalsDownload: DKMMNature-WesternDiamondbackRattlesnake
 other animalsDownload: Pond Sounds & Frogs
 other animalsDownload: 21singers
 other animalsDownload: 22rattlesnake
 other animalsDownload: 26alligator1bellow
 other animalsDownload: 20peepers
Beaver Eatingother animalsDownload: Beaver Eating
 other animalsDownload: tasmanian
Animal Sounds 14-Chimpanzeeother animalsDownload: animal sounds 14-chimpanzee
Skunk Distressother animalsDownload: Skunk Distress
Monkey 2other animalsDownload: Monkey 2
Beaver Startledother animalsDownload: Beaver Startled
Alligator Bellow (2)other animalsDownload: Alligator Bellow (2)
Animal Sounds 07-Jungle Birdsother animalsDownload: animal sounds 07-jungle birds
Beaverother animalsDownload: Beaver
Animal Sounds 02-Cowother animalsDownload: animal sounds 02-cow
 other animalsDownload: 25alligatorhiss
 other animalsDownload: 09littleblueheronfishes
 other animalsDownload: cow
 other animalsDownload: 08whales
 other animalsDownload: 18bats
 other animalsDownload: 19frogsandsuch
 other animalsDownload: DKMMNature-Welim1x-Hyena
Animal Sounds 13-Hyenaother animalsDownload: animal sounds 13-hyena
Alligator Hiss with Backgroundother animalsDownload: Alligator Hiss with Background